
Thursday, August 14, 2014

The light of the world

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Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:22

Monday, August 11, 2014

Late night thinking

I sit with the silence of the night, the only noise I hear is the wind whipping around and the sound of my keystrokes. I can’t deal with that empty-nagging feeling. I can’t deal with not knowing the truth. It isn’t so simple in the areas of life where it isn't white or black. The grey areas are messy and confusing. Can there even be absolute truth in the gray areas? Or is the truth in those areas only based off of what we choose to believe? 

Just a late night thought. 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Saturday, August 2, 2014


It's so peaceful sometimes. In those rare moments of stillness. It's as if the world is asleep and you suddenly notice the beauty in the simplicity of it all.

In those instances the darkness doesn't seem so bad. It becomes almost manageable and dare do I say... worth it?

Friday, August 1, 2014

Right here and right now

I had caught myself doing this the other day.. and had to stop myself. How many times have you said you will starting living, will be happy, will do this or that, tomorrow -- or when something changes? STOP!

Stop saying that you live tomorrow... 
"when I get this promotion"
"when the chaos of life settles down"
"when I lose the weight"
"when I am out of debt"
"When my kids grow up"
"Fill in the blank"

When I, When I, When I... 

That tomorrow isn't guaranteed, tomorrow in general isn't guaranteed. You need to live right here and right now, our days are numbered and you are missing out on your life.

If you died tomorrow do you really think you would care that you weren't making that extra 10 grand a year? No. You would be mad at yourself for wasting your precious time based on circumstances. The circumstances of tomorrow that never came. 

Right here, right now -- remember that.